Library and research
Library facilities
The Library provides the following services to the school community.
An extensive collection of the latest novels and a wide collection of non-fiction books on all subjects. Students can borrow up to four items at a time although more can be borrowed if required. The loan period is two weeks but can be extended if required. Students should use their ID card for borrowing.
Online resources
The Library provides access to eBooks, audiobooks and subscribes to a large number of online resources including newspapers, research databases and an online encyclopaedia. Links to subject specific LibGuides, the Library catalogue, all our digital resources as well as to the State Library and the University of Melbourne Library are provided via our Library Website as well as other useful resources relating to topics on academic integrity.
Photocopying and printing
There is one photocopier in the Story Street Library which can print and copy in both black and white and colour. Students are charged via their school printing account and need their ID card to operate the machines when photocopying.
Spaces to study, collaborate and socialise
Our renovated Story Street Library has been designed to accommodate the range of needs of our staff and students. There are spaces for quiet, independent study, spaces designed for people to meet and work in groups, presentation and workshop spaces and social spaces for recess and lunchtimes.
Our new Lonsdale Street Campus Library provides a place for students who wish to browse and borrow books, read quietly and participate in Library-run activities and student groups during lunchtimes.
A range of encyclopedias, dictionaries and general reference material on a wide variety of subjects is available. These items are for use only in the Library.
A wide variety of magazines are available for reading and study in the Library as well as an archive of back issues
Lunchtime activities
Students can borrow a variety of board games or play the Library piano. Students can also join and participate in the Library Book Club, Knitting Club as well as many other student clubs that run from the library at recess and lunchtimes.
Library classes
The library runs an extensive wide reading program for students in years 7-10. During this program, students are given time to read independently, talk about their reading experiences and are encouraged and supported to pursue their own reading interests. The library also provides workshops and programs across the curriculum to support the development of research skills and information literacy for students.
Students can access the Library catalogue and online resources via the Library Website (also accessible via Compass).
The University High School Library is a place that welcomes all members of the school community
Library Operating Hours:
Story Street: 8:15am to 4:00pm
Lonsdale Street: Available during Wide Reading classes and at lunchtimes daily
The Library aims to:
- foster a life-long love of reading for pleasure
- provide a wide range of resources to serve the needs of staff and students
- be integral to the teaching and learning program
- provide a welcoming space where students and staff can study, read and socialise